Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday Afternoon in Koriyama

It's 5:10 pm Sunday afternoon. We are in Koriyama now, visiting Nobby and Bev Tajima at Koriyama Baptist Church. I preached for the morning service on Jesus as the "gate" into the heavens, the realm out of which God blesses and interacts with people, from Genesis 28 and John 1. The people seemed responsive. I wish everyone at home could have been here to witness the tears when I shared how burden we are because there will be so few Japanese in heaven unless things change drastically.

Right now we are between meetings. There is an English service this evening in just a little while. Before I sign off, let me mention that we are staying at a nearby Christian camp, which was started almost thirty years ago. It is located in a remote area in the mountains and situated quite beautifully. I will write more about the camp and the church in the next post.

Unfortunately, we do not have internet access at the camp, so I will be at the mercy of the many different people we will be seeing during our stay in this area. I will try to post again as soon as I am able. In the meantime, I just uploaded a couple of new posts below in addition to this one.

1 comment:

Joe Wendel said...


I have been keeping up with your blog and appreciate the additional time you taking time to stay in touch with us. We missed you on Sunday! May your trip continue to be smooth. I am sure you will have a lot to digest when you return home.

Joe Wendel