Thursday, October 12, 2006

Dale Again

9:52 a.m. Tsubame 4

Good morning! I trust you are all well back at home. We heard that snow was expected there in Indy and that the trees were turning colors. So far we have not seen any fall colors. Actually where we just left, the Carr’s city, the climate is quite different from Tokyo. It’s more like the climate in Georgia. October is still rather warm during the daytime and cools off nicely in the mornings and evenings. Instead of fall colors we saw palm trees! I just might miss my fall colors all together this year!

What a joy it was spending time with the Carr family. By Japanese standards, their home was quite large, though still quite small by our standards. We all squeezed in just fine and we were very comfortable. When we arrived the children all met us in their pajamas with smiling eager faces awaiting the unknown guests they had spent the day getting ready for. Elliott immediately connected with all of them and Mitchell graciously gave up his bottom bunk for Elliott to sleep in. Tom and Paula so kindly gave us their room and I believe it was the best rest I’ve had since we’ve arrived. We actually had American pillows. The hotel pillows were quite hard and they stuff one side with rice husks I believe. We’re learning the Japanese culture for bathing and taking off shoes quite well. There are some definite no-no’s in both situations and we’re hoping not to be too offensive. The missionaries constantly struggle with wondering if they have offended anyone because there are so many cultural differences and it takes a great deal of insight to learn what is acceptable. It’s quite overwhelming at times.

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