1:30 pm
Hello again from Japan!
At this moment we are flying down the tracks at a speed of 200mph. At times it can get rather dizzying. We just flew past Hiroshima! We’re so glad we’ll have some time to stop there on the way back to take it all in. We’ve traveled many, many miles but I don’t think I’ve seen too much land undeveloped in some way. Home after home, building after building, garden after garden and so many, many people. As I look out the train window at the moment all I see are a sea of roof tops and apartment buildings. Even this far away from Tokyo. It’s interesting to see the architect change, too, as we get out into the country more. The homes are taking on a more oriental look.
It was a joy to be with the Melton’s. I told Debbie as she was preparing dinner that we’re not used to being on the receiving end of hospitality and we appreciated them opening their home and hearts to us. Elliott had a great time with their son Andrew who took Elliott right in and played some games with him. Yesterday I woke up with a headache and by dinner time I was feeling pretty bad with some nausea as well. I had to excuse myself to lie down all the while praying that I wasn’t coming down with something especially with the big trip ahead the next day. The Lord answered my prayers again and I woke up feeling so much better. I have to continually trust God for us to stay well. It seems I have a prayer on my lips most of the time as we are trying to find a ticket office or the right track to depart from. It all takes a lot of mental energy and I have been so thankful for Randy’s ability to get us around. Elliott was in tears today after Randy had been gone for about a half hour to re-do our tickets. Finally he appeared on the other side of the tracks with a big grin realizing where he had left us waiting. Needless to say Elliott was quite happy to see his Dad back safe and sound. It’s going to be quite different when we get home and not be with each other every waking minute! That’s one of the blessings of mission trips with kids, there’s a lot of bonding going on!I guess I better go for now. Again thank you all for praying for us and thanks to those who’ve written to us. It’s been a joy to read your messages. We are praying for you all as well and miss you, too.
Much love,
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